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Advice and recommendations to my younger self

Diabetic footcare complications are rising in the U.K. and are a leading cause of diabetes related hospital admissions. Research shows that people are often unaware of how quickly problems relating to diabetes footcare can exacerbate.

The aim of our study is to better understand the experiences of those who have undergone amputation and to gain insight on your reflections of the events that led up to it. This learning can be used to support others in the future.

About us:

We are a team of researchers from St Marys University, Imperial College London, and the University of Chichester. We are interested in understanding what advice and recommendations, with the benefit of hindsight, you would tell your ‘younger self’, regarding your diabetes care prior to your amputation. Specifically, how can hindsight help oneself (e.g., reminding oneself of lessons learnt) and others (e.g., what advice can we offer the next generation).



We aim to work with people who have diabetes and who have had to have an amputation. If you are interested in taking part we will ask you if you would like to either discuss your thoughts with us or write a letter to your younger self. Specifically, we would like you to focus on what advice and recommendations you would tell your younger self prior to undergoing your amputation. For example, you may wish that you had seeked advice from a healthcare professional sooner regarding the small blister on your foot.

If you decide to write a letter, you may either complete your letter via this survey link (complete question 11 on page 2), or write your letter and email it to us; you can choose which ever is easiest for you. If you use this link, please only click on 'finish' (on page 2) once you have completed your letter.

Alternatively, you may wish to discuss your advice and recommendations instead. We can arrange to meet you remotely, via a Zoom link, so you can tell us about your story at your convienance. 

It is important to acknowledge from the outset that reflecting on past events can be an emotional experience. It might bring up memories that are challenging to navigate. If you find the process particularly challenging please contact the researchers (see contact details below) for further help. Alternatively, you may find the process a therapeutic process and an enjoyable experience too.

If you wish to write a letter, here are some details of how to get it to us:

1) If you decide to email your letter to us, please send to Charlotte Foster-Brown at 

2) Or you can complete the following questions (including question 11) and submit it directly to us.

Please note that participation is voluntary- you do not have to participate. Furthermore, you are allowed to change your mind at any point by withdrawing from the study. Simply contact the researcher below and let them know. All data from the project will be kept in the strictest of confidence, unless you do not wish to remain anonymous.

Contact details: Research assistant- Charlotte Foster-Brown at